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Writer's pictureNecie Edwards

Fibromyalgia in Men

What is the prevalence of fibromyalgia in men? Almost 85% of people do not know about this disease. Because the symptoms are very common, we think that these are the causes of any other problem.

Most people think that this disease is common in women. But this is wrong because according to research men also suffering from this disorder is shocking news. However this is a low ratio as compared to women. Actually fibromyalgia is the disorder in the musculoskeletal and the other reasons may be mood swings, fatigue, and disturbance in sleeps. Even you feel chronic pain in different parts of the body and that pain is unbearable also.

Men are less likely to suffer from fibromyalgia

There are many reasons that men suffer less from women from this disorder. According to a 2001 review of the literature conducted by the National Fibromyalgia Association, nine women are diagnosed with the disease for every one man.

Other groups estimate that one man suffers from the disease for every eight women. Approximately 30% of men might be affected by fibromyalgia, according to these groups.

It may be more difficult for men to receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis, since fibromyalgia is mainly a female condition, even though some experts believe up to 1.5 million men in the United States may have the condition.

According to a report almost one-third of US adults are suffering from this disorder, which is actually equal to the 4 million individuals of the U.S population. It means the futures of 4 million families are facing this disorder. Because in this disorder you also need the support of your family so then you will be able to get over this problem.

Fibromyalgia and Men

The main cause of this disorder is the disturbance in the connectivity of brain cells. That may be in the men or women but the root of the disease is the disorder of the brain. Patients think that this is a physical disorder but it is totally a physiological disorder. Research says that there are so many cases of undiagnosed patients of fibromyalgia that they doubt that may be the ratio of those cases higher than women. So it shows that men feel embarrassed in getting treatment. That is totally an illogical reason; it’s about your health not about your ego.

Fibromyalgia is a difficult disorder to diagnose in men, because its symptoms can be associated with other conditions. As a result, most physicians will not suggest that a fibromyalgia diagnosis is the first step. For most doctors, it may not even be a topic of conversation. There are significant difficulties when it comes to treating these conditions, both physically and mentally. How is it possible that fibromyalgia even exists if your doctor won't even consider it?

Patients with undiagnosed conditions

There is a good chance that fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system that causes people to experience pain from stimuli that would normally not be painful. As many as 4.8 percent of men worldwide are thought to have this condition

It is also less likely for men to pass the traditional "tender points" test. A doctor makes a diagnosis as a result of looking for pain at 11 of 18 points across the body. Women usually have more tender spots than men, who experience more widespread pain than they do. New criteria, phasing out the tender points test, were released by the American College of Rheumatology in 2010.

An examination was conducted, and Clauw and his team conducted surveys in a county in Minnesota to identify potential sufferers. Men reported symptoms almost twenty times more frequently than women did.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia in men

There is a slight difference in the symptoms of the men and women. But that is also important to notice. So the primary symptoms are the following:

1. Widespread pain

Pain will be experienced throughout your body, as well as above and below your waist. This will be constant chronic pain, and you will have to deal with it continuously, that's why it is considered widespread pain.

2. Fatigue

Painters with this disorder complain that they sleep a lot but feel tired, and most of the time they have restless nights due to pain in their legs and sleep apnea.

3. Cognitive Difficulties

"Fibro fog" affects the ability to focus, pay attention, and concentrate ‌on mental tasks.

The other common symptoms in men are:

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis

Fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Sensitivity to multiple chemicals

Symptoms of interstitial cystitis

The restless legs syndrome

Lyme disease

Fibromyalgia Treatment

There are no specific treatments for fibromyalgia yet, but scientists are still researching the condition. A patient's potential for the treatment determines the treatment's success. Because a high potential person will receive high quality treatment and feel the best- In the event of low potential, however, doctors will recommend exercises and medicines. The type of treatment which is discussed below also depends on the symptoms that the patient has, so there are a variety of options available:

Changes in our lifestyles

Changing certain aspects of your lifestyle can help prevent flare-ups. The importance of getting enough good-quality sleep cannot be overstated. It is true that many men resist this, due to the stigma about being lazy, but it can be countered with a healthy dose of exercise three or four hours before bed. Regular exercise promotes good sleep and combats the perception of laziness.

Any chronic pain condition can also be managed by eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and lean, healthy protein. Turmeric, tart cherries, and ginger are also anti-inflammatory foods that may help ease pain when it flares up.

Various treatments available

  1. Weightless treatment in float tanks can ease pain and stress after one session.

  2. In recent research, acupuncture has been found to be effective in easing painful symptoms and improving mobility.

  3. An occasional light massage can contribute to good circulation, reduce pain, and relieve stress.

  4. Biofeedback teaches patients how to recognize, monitor, and control their body's physical response to pain. Through this, the body will be able to adjust itself in a positive manner.

  5. In mindfulness meditation, a person doesn't so much alleviate pain as ease their response to it.

Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

Medications can help ease painful flare-ups in addition to holistic treatments. Fibromyalgia medications are currently only approved for three conditions:

  1. Lyrica

  2. Cymbalta

  3. Savella

There are several medications prescribed for fibromyalgia that are deemed off-label. You must consult your doctor before taking them.

Milnacipran or amitriptyline are antidepressants

Cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant

Gabapentin and pregabalin are anti-seizure medications

For acute pain episodes, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are useful

Consult a professional

As well as receiving treatment, men who have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia may find tremendous relief from attending a consultation seminar.

Getting involved in these groups is a great way to cope with the pressures that chronic illness can bring. Men with chronic illnesses will be able to help you through it. As a result of fibromyalgia support groups, you can also manage any mood disorders that may be present at the same time.

Risk factors

There are individuals who are at higher risk of developing fibromyalgia. Gender is the most important risk factor, followed by:

● Lupus is one of the most common rheumatic diseases

● Close relatives have fibromyalgia in their families

● Depression or mood disorders

Fibromyalgia: Living With It

The condition is incurable, but some medications can reduce its symptoms. Changing your lifestyle is also important. According to Yunus, a patient of fibromyalgia , exercising and eating well are essential.

The association between overweight and pain and fatigue is well established, Yunus says. It is a known risk factor for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is linked to obesity. Having extra pounds does not cause fibromyalgia, nor does it mean that all people diagnosed with it are overweight.

The daily treadmill workout for the World is at least ten to fifteen minutes. To maintain his strength and keep his weight down, he also does some light weightlifting. Every now and then he will play golf, knowing it will wear him out. It makes him feel better when he's done. "It reminds me that I have some of the old me coming back."

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Jul 03, 2021

At last, this HELLISH disease is receiving the prominence it deserves. Now in my 90s, I have endured this for decades - constant fatigue - permanent muscle ache - completely devoid of medical help or even interest other than my original morphia prescription. I have just recovered from a "Bad Day" - 36 hours of near total collapse - absolutely exhausted with tiredness, racked with pain, scrambled mind, unable to speak or walk. Yet today, apart from feeling bruised and fragile, I am OK'ish - just awaiting for the next bout. Truly this is Hell on Earth! Thank God for the patience , loving care and attention from my dear wife. She is my lifeline.

Please keep up your research.

Necie Edwards
Necie Edwards
Jul 04, 2021
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